Estudo das habilidades auditivas em crianças portadoras de deficiencia visual / Study of hearing ability in children with visual impairment




Objective: Analyze the auditory processing in children with visual impairment (low vision and blindness), in addition to characterize them according to social aspects. Methods: Thirty children were evaluated: 15 comprised Group I – children with visual impairment; and 15 comprised Group II – children with normal vision, without hearing and/or school complaints. The children underwent meatoscopy, pure tone audiometry, logoaudiometry and imitanciometry, as well as tests of sound localization from five directions, verbal and non-verbal sequential memory, speech in noise, dichotic digits, standard gap duration and Randon gap detection test. Results: Respecting the basic auditory evaluation, three (20%) students in Group I presented results altered, while twelve (80%) presented normal results. On the other hand, all participants in Group II presented normal results. Concerning the set of auditory processing tests, ten (66,6%) students in Group I presented alterations and four (26,6%) presented normal results; while six (40%) students in Group II showed results altered and nine (60%) presented normal results. Conclusion: The Group I performance was unfavorable in comparison to the Group II, either in the basic auditory evaluation or in the set of auditory processing tests. However, we could conclude that students with visual impairment do not present better hearing abilities when compared to students with normal eyesight.


vision blindness hearing auditory perception audição baixa visão percepção auditiva visual impairment deficiencia visual cegueira percepção visual low

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