"Estudo das contribuições térmica e eletrônica na variação do índice de refração de materiais dopados com íons emissores" / Study of thermal and electronic contribution to the refractive index variation of materials doped with ions emiters




In this work we have studied the thermal and optical properties of emitters ions by using the thermal lens and z-scan time resolved techniques. It was obtained the thermal lens photothermal spectra of Yb3+ doped samples, and several other photothermal parameters. Also, it was done a study on the optical nonlinearity saturation effects over the determination of the optical properties in Cr3+ doped solids, using the z-scan technique. In the sequence the same technique was used in order to obtain the upconversion parameter in Nd3+ and Cr3+ doped materials (with excitation resonant and non resonant to the emitter level). Employing the diffraction integral, the effects of Auger upconversion process on the nonlinear refraction were investigated. The experimental and numerical results agree very well. It was also investigated the temporal behavior of the emitter level population during the excitation process, showing an alternative way to obtain the upconvertion parameter. Finally, by using the z-scan technique we have obtained the optical nonlinear lineshape of a Yb3+ doped sample, and demonstrated that the major contribution to the optical non linearity arises from the UV transitions, even when the emitter level of the ion is under resonant excitation.


z-scan z-scan fenômenos fototérmicos fenômenos óticos não lineares lente térmica thermal lens optical and photothermal phenomena

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