Estudo da variabilidade espacial das chuvas em Belo Horizonte a partir da expansão da rede pluviométrica: uma análise qualitativa




In big cities like Belo Horizonte, human routine is influenced directly by extreme events, such as precipitations in the rainy season, which, besides being one of the water controllers, can cause problems like floods and earth sliding, mainly on areas at risk, where big tragedies are registered. Studies that were done to the capital of Minas Gerais obtained good results about the rain behavior, relating the rains to the topography and other meteorological factors, in both local and global scales. Due to the limited number of pluviometers in town, theses studies were developed inside a geographical space relatively bigger than that one proposed here, or they were limited to an only collect point. This work is aimed to study the rains in Belo Horizonte under the perspective of a new network of pluviometers installed by CEMIG (Energy Company of Minas Gerais) in November 2003. The results indicate a true gain with these new collect points, which have totalized 14 stations, differently from those 6 previous ones, therefore justifying the importance of the climatologic network expansion, mainly in urban regions.


chuvas belo horizonte (mg) teses. belo horizonte (mg) teses.

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