Estudo da taxocenose de crisopÃdeos (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) em ecossistemas naturais e agropastoris / Taxocenosis of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in natural and agricultural ecosystems




This research was carried ou to a) verify the community structure of these predators in forest fragments, open sites and agroecosystems; b) analyze the influence of the size and complexity of forest fragments on the richness and abundance of species; c) study the interaction on communities in forest areas, forest edges and adjacent agroecosystems; d) study the influence of the climate on the dynamics of communities in natural ecosystems constituted by forest areas and open site formations, as well as to verify the interactions among these communities. The vegetation physiognomies observed in this study were areas of semi-evergreen forest, open site formations, cofee crops and pastures. The open formations were composed by gradients among âcerradoâ, montane grassland and rocky montane grassland. Sampling was made by walking through sample sites using butterfly nets made of voil, with 30 cm in diameter by 60 cm in lenght. The collected adults were brought to the Laboratory of Reception and Screening of Material of the Department of Entomology, Federal University of the Lavras (UFLA), Minas Gerais, Brazil, where they were counted, pinned and identified. A total of 2439 individuals of the Nothochrysinae and Chrysopinae were captured. As for the Chrysopinae, all genus registered for Brazil were found at the sampling sites, plus specimens of the Leucochrysini. It was not detected influence either in size or complexity of the forest fragments in the richness or abundance of species. There was an interaction among species found in forest fragments, coffee crops and pasture, as well as between species in forest areas and open site formations. There was influence of the climate in the seasonal features of the natural ecosystems communities.


ecossistemas biodiversity crisopÃdeos ecossystem ciÃncias agrÃrias controle biolÃgico green lacewing biological control biodiversidade

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