Estudo da tÃcnica de controle direto de conjugado - DTC tradicional, aplicada ao MIT / Study of the direct torque control technique applied to cage induction machines




This paper presents a study of the Direct Torque Control (DTC) based in the traditional technique. It used Switching Tables to drive the electronic converter that feeds the induction motor. Speed control is achieved. Two switching strategies are studied, one that only allows operation in two quadrants and other for four quadrants. Simulation of a complete system is implemented and the results are shown and discussed. Some preliminary experimental results are included in the work. The practical implementation of the DTC is accomplished in a digital signal processor (DSP).


motor de induÃÃo induction motor engenharia eletrica controle direto de conjugado direct torque control motores elÃtricos de induÃÃo operaÃÃo com controle de velocidade controlled speed operation

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