Estudo da mortalidade e dos seus preditores na população idosa do municipio de Botucatu-SP




The mortality and their predictors of old people from sixty years and older was studied: secundary mortality data of summary causes was analyzed, profile of old people using data from a domiciliar survey from Botucatu (SP-Brasil) in 1983/84 and their survival up to 1992. The coefficients and proportional mortality for sex, age and causes were calculated and the trend of those indicators calculated and adjusted by simple linear regression. The survival for all causes was studied through the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox Regression. From 1970-1993, proportional mortality for old people increased and general coefficients decreased. Cerebrovascular disease (430-438) and "another cardiovascular disease" (420-429) had their mortality coefficients decreased. Malignal tumors (140-208), diabete mellitus (250), infectious diseases (008-139) and pneumomnias (480-486) had little increase and ischemic cardiovascular disease (480-486), a small decrease. For male, 84,3% are married; for female, 44,6% are married and 50,7% widowers, 71,7% of the men are retired; 34,1% of the women are pensionists and 36,0 % housewives, 28,8% decimal percent are illiterate, 81,1% had less than two monthly per capita income (120 dollars) as income and 81% had not any other income. Seventy and one decimal percent referred chronic diseases and most frequently referred morbidity were: hiperthension, diabetes mellitus, flu, osteoarthritis, visual problems, emotional problems, bronchitis and varixes. The following predictors were found for mortality in old people for all causes (p<0,05): for male: social variables adjusted for age: to be retired RR=1,92 (1,13 - 3,26); not to be the family chief or sposal: RR=2,30 (1,27-4,18); not to be white RR=2,58 (1,51-4,40), have no car: RR=1,61 (1,03-2,52), or properties: RR=1,97 (1,24-1,24-3,15), to live in a rented or borrowed house: RR=2,08 (1,16 - 3,72), have no "other income", RR=2,73 (1,57-4,73) and the self-rated morbidity variables adjusted for age and "other income": diabetes mellitus: RR=3,06 (1,47-6,39) and neoplasia: RR=3,85 (1,37-10,79). For females: only the social variable "other incomes", when adjusted for age: RR=2,02 (1,04-3,90) and for self-rated morbidity (adjusted for age and "other incomes"): diabetes mellitus: RR=3,16 (1,80-5,55); cardiovascular disease.: RR=1,64 (1,10-2,44) and Quetelet rate of "low wheigt": RR=1,92 (1,05-3,53)


sobrevivencia mortalidade idosos

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