Estudo da irrigação por gotejamento na cultura de berinjela (Solanum melongena, L.)




Drop irrigation method, whieh has been mueh developed, lately, in Israel, presents exeeptional advantages ln relation to the eonventional methods. Through an experiment, installed on the eampus of the Engineering Seholl of Limeira S.P., the behavior of the eggplant studied and compared to the furrow irrigation whieh is the common method used in this culture. As the same time the drop irrigation was tested at different intensities. The obtained data showed that the drop irrigation, at low intensity of rain was the one that presented the best results underlying the results obtained in other eountries. This inereased produetion was in aeeordanee to the researehers who defended the thesis that the aeration of the soil is not disturbed during dripping, permiting larger profit. The medium evapotranspiration by the plants was greater in the drop irrigation treatment than in those using furrow irrigation. This medium evapotranspiration by the plants was greater in the drop irrigation treatment than in those using furrow irrigation. This evapotranspiration was 6.8 mm/day; 6.0 mm/day; 5.9 mm/day and 5.6 mm/day respeetively fDr the low,medium, high inten sity rain drop irrigation and for the infiltration furrow irrigation. The medium interval between the irrigation was of 4 days. The depth of the root system was eoneentrated from O to 25 em in the drop irrigation treatments and from 0 to 30 in the infiltration furrow irrigation treatment. The drop irrigated treatments were protected film shelters, transparent to the sun light, so that not suffer any atmosphere precipitation influence which could possibly mask the effects of this tecnique in experimental conditions


engenharia hidraulica agua de irrigação irrigação agricola

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