Estudo da interação hiperfina magnética nos núcleos de 207 Pb em ferro como função da temperatura


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The presente work is composed of three parts. In the first we make a synthesis of the historical evolution and the present state of the magnetic hyperfine interaction studies, especially in dilute ferromagnetic alloys. In the second part we analyse the experimental method, discussing the fundamental ideas of angular correlation and comparing it to other techniques. This is followed by a description of the equipament. The experimental methods are described of the equipment. The experimental methods are described in the third part. Finally the results of magnetic hyperfine field measurements on 207Pb in Fe are given as a function of temperature. The magnetic hyperfine fields show a strongly anomalous behavior as a function of temperature which can not be understood on the nasis of existing models.


fisica da materia condensada interacoes hiperfinas de campos estruturas cristalinas espectros raios gama paridade : particulas elementares núcleo : atomos : interacoes magneticas ressonancia magnetica nuclear

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