Estudo da imunogenicidade da proteína de classe 3 (PorB) purificada da membrana externa de Neisseria miningitidis: imunização intranasal/intramuscular em camundongos adultos e neonatos utilizando Bordetella pertussis como adjuvante. / Study of the immunogenecity of the class 3 proteins (PorB) purified from the outer mebrane of Neisseria meningitidis: intranasal and intramuscular immunization in adult and neonate mice using Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant.




Proteins of class 3 sound candidates in the preparation of vaccine against meningococcal illness. The aim of this study was to determine the immunogenicity of class 3 proteins purified of Neisseria meningitidis of the serogroup B along with whole cells of Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant. BALB/c and outbred neonate mice between 3 and 12 days old were immunized with 1 to 4 doses of the purified class 3 proteins with or without adjuvant given by the intranasal route, and on the 21st day the animals received an intramuscular dose of the class 3 proteins with or without aluminum hydroxide. The results demonstrated that after 2 doses by the intranasal route and 1 dose intramuscular there was a rapid stimulation of the immune cells in BALB/c adult mice as well as BALB/c and outbred neonates mice. All sera were analyzed by ELISA and immunoblot. The adjuvant B. pertussis used in the present investigation and given via the intranasal or intramuscular route increased the immune response compared with the controls. High affinity and bactericidal antibodies were produced.


outer membrane protein proteína de mebrana externa neisseria meningitidis nasal immunization resposta imune humoral neisseria meningitidis humoral immune response imunização intranasal adjuvants adjuvantes neonates and adults mice camundongos neonatos e adultos

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