Estudo da dinâmica populacional do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus cordatus (LINNAEUS, 1763) (CRUSTACEA-DECAPODA-BRACHYURA), e dos efeitos de uma mortalidade em massa desta espécie em manguezais do Sul da Bahia / Study of the population dynamic of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus (LINNAEUS, 1753) (CRUSTACEA-DECAPODA-BRACHYURA_, and the effects of a mass mortality of this specie in Southern Bahia mangroves




The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus cordatus) is an important fishing resource for the low income communities in Brazil and also plays a role for the environment in the mangrove ecosystem. Massive mortality events of this specie have been registered in many mangrove areas in the Northeast Region of Brazil. The first step of this work was realized from October/2003 to October/2004 and had its main objective the study of the population dynamic of the mangrove crab in one particular mangrove area in Canavieiras/BA (affected by the massive mortality), compared to another mangrove area in Caravelas/BA (non-affected by the massive mortality). After the finishing of this first part of the work, the mass mortality had already reached the mangrove of Caravelas, henceforth the beginning of the second step, which the main objective was to quantify and describe the effects of this mortality in the periods of January/2005 and July/2005. In Canavieiras and Caravelas, four 5 X 5 random quadrats were monthly sampled in one L. racemosa (white mangrove) zone, in the channel bank, in one R. mangle (red mangrove) zone, in between, and in an apicum zone, in the transition for the dry land. Within the quadrats, all the apertures` burrows of U. cordatus cordatus were measured and counted. One crab gatherer removed, whenever possible, the correspondent crabs for biometry. It was also noted the presence of crabs in molting process, egg-bearing females, capped and empty burrows. Additionally, flooding of the quadrats was sampled based upon the algae height on the mangrove prop root. A simple linear regression of the aperture minimum diameter variable in function of the carapace length was done. With the obtained equation all the crab`s burrows measured were transformed in carapace length values. It was observed that the more the zone was flooded the larger size of crab was found and that smaller crabs prevailed in dryer zones in consequence of the recruitment in this habitat. In Canavieiras, 113 recruits (length<0.9cm) were registered on the field survey. All of them were found in burrows belonging to other crabs of less xii flooded areas, mainly on the inferior limit of the apicum zone. Recruitment peaks occurred from June/2004 to October/2004 indicating that the recruits had around three months age. Confirming that the apicum zone plays a role of nursery for the mangrove crab reinforces the importance of this particular environment preservation. The sub-population surveyed in Canavieiras presented an increased density and a shifting mode to higher length classes. This apparent recovery could be linked to sudden appearance of hidden crabs or migration of individuals coming from non-affected zones. Mean population density and carapace length were significantly lower in Canavieiras than in Caravelas, pointing out that apparently Canavieiras crab subpopulation didn`t recover completely from the mass mortality yet. The study in Caravelas showed a differential distribution of crabs with males predominating in flooded red mangrove zone and females preferring dryer zones of white mangrove near the channel banks. During the U. cordatus cordatus mass mortality in Caravelas most of the crabs got out of their burrows before they died. It was also proved that crabs of all sizes from the three zones were affected. Actually the greatest reduction in population density was found in the R. mangle zone, which is the most flooded, indicating that the mortality agent seems to be associated with the water. In July/2005, after 6 months from the beginning of the mass mortality, the Caravelas survey showed a 97.6% reduction of commercial sized crabs density, which means a mortality of 45.000.000 crabs within 11.000ha of mangroves, equal to at least R$18.000.000,00 loss. The mass mortality of U. cordatus cordatus seems to last not more than six months in each place, and presently it is expanding quickly on North to South direction.


caranguejo-uça manguezal mass mortality ucides cordatus bahia mangrove bahia ucides cordatus mangrove crab mortalidade em massa

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