Estudo da correlação entre temperatura corporal e dosagem de óxido nítrico plasmático em pacientes com sepse, sepse grave e choque séptico / Correlation between body temperature and dosage of plasma nitric oxide in patients with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock




Septic shock is the most common complication of sepsis and responsible for a large number of cases of death in intensive care units. In patients with sepsis, fever is one of the most common signs, but hypothermia can occur and is usually associated with severe infections, worse prognosis and high mortality. The confluence of several factors contributing to the deterioration of the clinical condition of patients who progress to septic shock. A key factor is the increased synthesis of nitric oxide may mediate changes in cardiovascular and thermoregulatory function. The nurse is able to detect the onset of clinical signs in these tables, which include: a complication of pulmonary symptoms (presence of tachypnea), cold sweating, mental confusion, oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, and changes in body temperature. The detection of these signals can be easily accomplished with appropriate instruments and physical examination. In this study, we aimed to correlate the temperature and plasma concentrations of nitric oxide in patients with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. Our data show that there is a negative correlation (p <0.0037, r2 = 0.1593, Pearson´s coefficient of -0.3991) between the values of body temperature and the values of plasma nitrate in patients with septic shock. These data show that the lower body temperature, the higher plasma concentrations of nitrate.


body temperature choque séptico nitric oxide óxido nítrico sepse sepse grave sepsis septic shock severe sepsis temperatura corporal

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