Estudo da correlação entre mapas de variabilidade de propriedades do solo e mapas de produtividade para fins de agricultura de precisão




The ma.m goal of this study was to evaluate a methodology for the analysis of soil attributes and its correlation with the com yield for precision agriculture purpose. Statistics, geostatistics and GIS techniques were applied to the creation of interpoled soil attribute maps and yield maps. The experiment was carried out within a 4 há field in the experimental area of the CPQBA/UNICAMP, in Paulinia (SP, Brazil). A 25 meters sample grid was made and soil samples were taken at O.2Omand 0.40m depth. The com was planted in january and harvested in june (1998). Semivariograms were made in order to build the models used for kriging interpolation of soil attributes. These interpolated soil attribute maps were correlated with the interpolated yieldmap by mean of multivariate spatial regression. The results showed that the model derived nom the most important parameters for the com production explained 82% ofthe crop yield, using the parameters organic matter, Mg, clay, P, Ca, K and H+Al


solos - produtividade correlação (estatistica) analise de regressão

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