Estudo da assimetria facial esqueletica e dimorfismo sexual em norma frontal, de individuos com oclusão dentaria classe I e classe II subdivisão de Angle




The aim of this study was to verify the incidence of skeletal asymmetry and sexual dimorphism of individuals with Angle s Class I occlusion within the normal limits, and individuals with Angle s Class II subdivision malocclusion. The sample consisted of seventy-one Caucasians aging 18 to 35 years (mean age=22.2) who volunteered for this study. Standardized postero-anterior (PA) cephalograms were taken, having the Frankfort plane parallel to the ground. Using the obtained cephalograms, the cephalometric tracing was established. The union of 25 cephalometric landmarks (7 sagittal and 9 bilateral) originated 62 lines and 54 angular measurements of the facial width, expressed in millimeters and square millimeters, in order to verify the positioning of the facial structures and to evaluate facial asymmetry of the seventy-one cephalograms. The results indicated that both groups presented skeletal asymmetry. Sexual dimorphism was found for most of the linear and area measurements, especially for males, except for angular measurements that were larger for Angle s Class I females. No correlation was found between the large and short measurements in relation to the Median Reference Line to the type of occlusion found for subjects with Angle s Class II subdivision malocclusion. No evidence was found of an existent dominant side however, predominant landmarks in width varying with the kind and type of occlusion were found.


dentes - radiografia ortodontia oclusão (odontologia) maloclusão - tratamento

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