Estudo comparativo dos aspectos de segurança em redes WWAN, WLAN e WPAN




The constant evolution 01 wireless technologies have prompted an increasing interest lor mobile computing in general, which in turn have contributed to advancements in mobile communication. If, on one side, wireless networks opened the possibilities for personal service businesses, they also exposed a whole new range 01 serious security issues such as greater exposure 01 the communication media and more complex, and thus more error prone, authentication procedures. This work presents, initially, a broad overview of wireless network systems, specifically GSM, 802.11 and Bluetooth, highlighting its architectures, components, functionalities and positive aspects. This overview is then used as a basis for discussing their security aspects and lor comparing them with other technologies available in the market, specially with regard to authentication, confidentiality and availability


redes de computação - medidas de segurança sistemas de computação

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