Estudo comparativo de custos e receitas entre os sistemas de produção do algodão colorido de sequeiro e algodão colorido irrigado no Estado da Paraíba




The Brazilians raise of cotton have been passing through several changes in the production system with the various technological advances, characterized by competitiveness, which suggests the accounts as a tool to assist in alternative decisions. The use of the alternative of producing cotton in colored fibers suggestion comes as the producer of Paraíba, characterized as satisfactory for this culture. This dissertation provides a comparative study of costs and revenues in the production of cotton under color scheme of dry and under irrigation scheme, in Paraíba. In order to identify and measure the variables statistics among the variables of system costs of production of the cotton colorful of sequeiro and irrigating she breaked if from hypothesis as the differences exists. To respond the assumption, a field research was made between producers selected in the universe of study located in the regions of serido and paraibans sertao region. The database was composed through primary data, obtained through a form of questions about the variables that affect the costs and revenues in both schemes, and secondary, obtained through searches and bibliographic information obtained in the various public agencies. The data were processed and analyzed by descriptive statistics and statistical analytical, using the non-parametric statistical through the Mann-Whitney test, preceding at test of aleatoriedade. The results show that there are statistical differences between the variables that affect costs and revenues in the production of cotton color schemes in rain fed and irrigated.


alternativas de decisões custos de produção differences statistics alternatives decisions ciencias contabeis diferenças estatísticas costs of production

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