Estudo comparativo das transformações estruturais e fisico-quimicas durante o processo fermentativo de amendoas de cacau (Theobroma cacao L.) e cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum)




Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum SChum), specimen of the same botanical genus that cocoa, is one of the most important fruits of the Amazon area. The commercialization of its pulp, with very appreciated exotic flavor and in full expansion in Brazil, it begins to wake up interest in the external market. The growing industrialization of the pulp has made avaliable a significant volume of seeds, nowa by-product with incipient industrial use. Corresponding at 20% of the weight of the fruit, this seed of similar chemical composition of the cocoa has been object of researches that check that when submitted to the same process stages as that, they result in a product similar to the chocolate. The process of industrialization of the cupuassu begins in a similar way to cocoa, with the fermentation of the seeds. The stage is indispensable, because important transformations that are related with the development of the flavor precursors happen and with the global quality of the chocolate. To accomplish a comparative study of the transformations that happen in the cocoa seeds and cupuassu, submitted to the same conditions of fermentation process, it was the objective of this work...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


fermentação cupuaçu cacau

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