Estudo comparativo das propriedades mecânicas do concreto produzido com água tratada magneticamente




TThe related work, as a perspective of concrete improvement, seeks to analyze concrete behavior with magnetically treated water compared with the obtained results on conventionally produced concrete (common or tap water). The objective is to evaluate the effects of the magnetical treatment water in the workability of the concrete as well as on the mechanical properties (compressive strenght, modulus of elasticity). The molecular decay in water structure due to magnetic treatment, as studies presented by authors of other countries, is the main influence factor in concrete improvement. Therefore trying to oppose these results to the Brazilian reality 12 distinct mix proportions were produced using three cement ( Brazilian: CP II E 32; CP V PLUS; CP V RS), two large aggregates (gnaisse, dolomitic limestone) and the two kinds of water. The mechanical properties were evaluated at 6 distinct ages (3, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days). The Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) is a means to evaluate qualitatively the concrete, corroborating with the analysis done using destructive essays. The results show that magnetically treated water improves the workability and mechanical properties of the analyzed concretes.


engenharia de estruturas teses. concreto propriedades mecanicas teses.

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