Estudo comparativo da densidade e topografia de neurônios de retinas de Philodryas olfesii e P. patagoniensis (serpentes, colubridae) / Text not informed by the author.




Snakes are a diversified group found in almost all regions of the planet, occupying different habitats, with exception to Polar Regions, a few islands and the deeper ocean waters. Its diversity indicates the high variability of sensory organs, which are adapted to the habits and habitats of each species. Studies about snakes visual system are scarce and have a great importance for the understanding of their ecology, behavior and phylogeny. In vertebrates the visual information is projected in the retina and initially processed in this neural tissue, before its processing in the central nervous system. The different kinds of cells present, as well as its density and distribution in the retina, vary between species and determinate specializations of the visual system. In this study we compared the density and distribution of photoreceptors and neurons of the ganglion cells layer (GCL) of two diurnal colubridae snakes, the arboreal Philodryas olfersii and the terrestrial P. patagoniensis, with opsins immunohistochemistry and Nissl staining. Adult snakes obtained in Instituto Butantan were anesthetized with thiopental (30mg/Kg) and the euthanasia was done with CO2. The eyes were enucleated and the retinas dissected and fixed in paraformaldeid 4%. One eye of each species was sectioned to test different antibodies and the counting for the determination of topographic distribution of density was made in flattened wholemount retinas. In the wholemounts retinas it was utilized the antibodies JH455 produced in rabbit against human S cone opsins and JH492 produced in rabbit against human L/M cone opsins. The photoreceptors density were similar in the two species (11,1831 ± 1,107.4 cells/mm2 in P. olfersii and 11,531.2 ± 1,054.9 cells/mm2 in P. patagoniensis), as well as the proportion of the different types of cells (3% S cones and 83% L/M cones in P. olfersii, and 5% S cones and 85% L/M cones in P. patagoniensis). The GCL cells density were also similar (10,117.5 ± 1,026 cells/mm2 in P. olfersii and 9,834.9 ± 2,772.2 cells/mm2 in P. patagoniensis). However, the isodensity maps showed different specializations regions. P. olfersii showed a horizontal streak and two areae (area centralis) with higher density, in the central and in the caudal regions, indicating a better visual acuity in the lateral and in the frontal visual field, what is possibly very important for locomotion and searching for preys (foraging) in the arboreal layer. P. patagoniensis showed a higher cell density in the ventral and rostral regions of the retina, indicating a better visual acuity in the superior and posterior visual field, what is important to perceive the approaching of predators and terrestrial animals and preys located in underbushes above the snake.


eye (anatomy) retina acuidade visual neurons visual acuity neurônios serpentes snakes

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