Estudo bioquimico e histoquimico do acido hialuronico no tecido interpublico de camundongo durante a prenhez, parto e pos-parto




The interpubic tissue in mice is known to rapidly adapt itself to the ali new demands imposed during pregnancy, partum and post-partum. The development of an interpubic ligament may be explained, in part, due to the modifications observed in the hydration of this tissue, as well as, the presence of hyaluronan (HA). The present study focuses on the presence of HA in the pubic symphysis, since still very little is known of its role during the modifications suffered through this period. The localization and quantification of HA using a HA-probe were studied in samples of mice pubic symphyses from virgin, 12th to 18th days of pregnancy, the day of delivery (D19) and during 3 and 5 days post-partum. The quantitative fluorimetric analysis indicated a gradual increase of HA in the interpubic tissue throughout pregnancy, being followed by a decrease already present on the day of the delivery. In addition, the histochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of HA in the extracellular matrix of the tissue as well as within its cells. Based on these results, it can be shown that HA may participate in three processes during pregnancy, partum and post-partum. While found in the extracellular matrix, HA contributes in the formation of a flexible structure, yet of rigid consistency, that allows the passage of the embryo for the birth canal. Whereas, while found intracellular, HA contributes in two distinct processes: until the 18th day of pregnancy, HA participates in the process of cellular proliferation through its possible interaction with mitotic cells. HA may also contribute to cellular proliferation through the formation of a hydrated zone from parturition as well as the 5th day post-partum HA contributes to the maintenance of the myofibroblastic phenotype of these cells, aiding in the process of involution suffered by the interpubic tissue following parturition


sinfise pubiana histochemistry acido hialuronico histoquimica hyaluronic acid public symphysis

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