"Estudo analítico dos óleos essenciais extraídos de resinas das espécies Protium spp" / "Analytical study of essential oils from resins of Protium spp"




Protium is the main genus in the Burseracea family and is one of the most widespread genera in South America, being very representative in the flora of the Amazon region. In the folk medicine, the oleoresins from species of Protium are widely used for several purposes by the native tribes in the regions where they occur. In the present study the essential oils of four species of Protium were extracted quantitatively by hidrodestillation from aged resins. These samples were collected from trees catalogued by the National Institute of Resesarch of Amazonia (INPA), in the National Forest Ducke, Manaus – Amazonas, in November 2004. The oils extracted were analyzed in order to determine its physical-chemical characteristics. Spectroscopic techniques such as infrared absorption spectroscopy, ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy and mass spectrometry were used to analyze these oils. Thin layer chromatography was used to separate the fractions of the components from these samples. For the identification and quantification of the components, the coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique was employed. The registered mass spectra of these oils compounds were compared with those of the literature [52]. The extractions yields were 3.1% (P. hebetatum), 3.33% (P. nitidifolium), 2.6% (P.divarictium) and 2.77% (P.amazonicum). In the P. hebetatum oil 17 compounds were identified, being the monoterpenes predominate in this oil composition. In the P. nitidifolium oil 21 compounds were identified and, in the P. divarictium oil 23 compounds. In the P. amazonicum oil 18 compounds were identified, and the major constituent identified was the sesquiterpene cedrane. A noticeable feature is the predominance of sesquiterpenes in the composition of the P. amazonicum oil. These compounds are reported to be majoritary in essential oils extracted of Protium species leaves. It is important to notice that, in the present moment, no data was reported about P. amazonicum and P.divarictium essential oils. The results show a high potential of these species as a relevant research area, mainly in Brazil that owns the major flora of the world, the Amazon Forest.


burseraceae essential oils protium Óleos essenciais burseraceae protium

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