Estrutura de gestão ambiental na fase pós-aprovação da avaliação de impacto ambiental: Trecho Sul do Rodoanel Mário Covas / Environmental management structure in the follow-up phase of the environmental impact assessment: Southern Section of the Rodoanel Mário Covas. Master\ s


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA is an environmental management tool that aims to identify, predict and interpret the consequences on the environment of a particular human action. If well managed can help the process of decision making, enhance the environmental sustainability of projects and development proposals, and constitute an instrument of environmental management. Although there are examples of successful implementation, it appears that in many cases the expected results have not been satisfactory for what we expect from it. Failures both in the preparation of environmental studies, as in the conduct of other phases and, consequently, undermining the effectiveness of EIA and what is meant by this instrument of public policy, which is the protection and improvement of environmental quality, have been verified. Recent studies have emphasized the variables of management of the EIA process as critical to their success, much more than the technical quality and scientific content of an environmental study. A good management system implementation and operation of an enterprise can correct imperfections resulting from previous stages of the EIA process. The follow-up phase of the EIA process can be regarded as critical step for its success. Impacts that are not properly identified or anticipated by the environmental study, can be addressed by mitigation measures developed after the approval of the project. In this context, the present work was developed to sought, based on documents available at the state environmental agency, responsible for the licensing process, information obtained from the entrepreneurial, technical visits and interview, to review the environmental management structure adopted for the implementation of follow-up phase of the EIA process developed for the Southern Section of Rodoanel. The results allow us to observe that despite the deficiencies, the environmental performance achieved can be considered satisfactory, especially considering the size of the enterprise and the environmental complexity of the region of insertion. The main flaws that can be highlighted refer to the undersizing of certain preventive measures and, therefore, there was a further corrective action. On the one hand, environmental non-compliances observed can be attributed in some cases, to the lack of sufficient staff and equipment, and in other, the lack of training or interest in the treatment of environmental issues, even considering the standardization of procedures, the incorporation of environmental measures in the contracts and implementation of environmental training programs. On the other hand, technological advances and investments assure good environmental performance of some mitigation measures implemented. We conclude that despite the initial stages of EIA (preliminary assessment and detailed analysis) form it into an excellent tool for planning and optimization of efforts and resources, the post-approval stage, which includes the environmental management of the implementation of projects, from the accomplishment of preventive and mitigating measures proposed earlier, it is a crucial step towards achieving its goals, which is the quest for environmental sustainability of development. If not well implemented, it can put all the effort and resources given to the previous steps to lose. Otherwise, it can overcome any shortcomings from previous steps.


avaliação de impacto ambiental (aia) effectiveness eficácia enviromental management environmental impact assessment gerenciamento ambiental e rodovias highways

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