Estratégias poéticas em tempos de Ditadura: a experiência do grupo experimental de dança de Salvador - BA




The consolidation of the theatrical dance in Salvador (1956-1962) is associated with the formation of three representative groups: the Contemporary Dance of the Dance School of the University of Bahia, the folkloric dance of the Folkloric group Viva Bahia and the Classical Ballet of the Ballet School of Castro Alves Theater. During the period of dictatorship, the actions of the censorship organs contributed to the dismantling of the artistic expressions. Due to this fact, the analysis of the way that the theatrical dance in Salvador was linked with the dictatorial political system became a concern in the academic discussions. The goal of this research is to identify not only if the dance was censored but also which poetical strategies made its performance possible. The unavailability of bibliographical source determined the interview as the main methodological approach of the analysis. A year after the deflagration of the military coup in Brazil, Lia Robatto created the Experimental Dance Group (Grupo Experimental de Dança, GED), proposing many ruptures in the creative and productive foundations of the dance, mainly in relation to her own experience in the academic space. Some innovations such as the exploration of alternative spaces, the search of a closer relantionship between stage and audience, the artistic integration, the democratization of the creative process in the making of plays as well as the closer dialogue to the local culture gave GED the responsability to propose the unusual, generating many performances in the 1970s. During the military regime in Brazil, the theatrical dance in Salvador experienced a period of aesthetic multiplicity, creative freedom and the profissionalization. Without restrictive interferences of the censorship organs, the dance consolidated as an important space of political and ideological expression in Salvador. The GED looked for diversity, exploring many aesthetic directions in distinctive periods (from 1965 to 1982), without assuming a political passionate attitude at any moment. Besides being a group with a consistent production, the GED was estabilished as an artistic movement of vanguard.


experimental group of dance dance ditadura militar artistic censorship military dictatorship salvador. salvador. history grupo experimental de dança dança censura artística história danca

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