Estimativa da confiabilidade dos sensores Ãpticos de pressÃo e temperatura nas condiÃÃes de uso a partir de testes acelerados de vida




Because of the competitor market on oil exploration the companies of the sector have researched big assaulting on new technologies which the aim is obtain a more stimulate activities and a better management of the oilâs production. To have a more accurate notion of the productionâs potential, these companies have invested in the development and in the utilization of optic sensors inside oil-wells. Because it is a new technology it is very hard to evaluate the reliability of these optic sensors in the operation conditions inside of the Oil- Wells. In this dissertation it will be used a Bayesianâs methodology to do a reliability analyses of these optic sensors in the useful conditions based on failure times results from the accelerated life applied tests. It will be used the specialistâs opinion to find the parameters distribution values in function of the failure rate transformed as well as it will be used Markov Chain Monte Carlo( MCMC) proceeding to obtain the distribution after the fail rate has been transformed. Once obtained the distribution after the failure rate transformed one can deduce about the Reliability of the optic sensors in normal operation conditions


accelerated life testing bayesian analysis reliability confiabilidade engenharia de producao testes acelerados de vida anÃlise bayesiana

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