Estimation of loss probability and an admisssion control scheme for multifractal network traffic / Estimação da probabilidade de perda e um esquema de controle de admissão para trafego multifractal de redes




The present work proposes an analytical expression for estimating the byte loss probability at a single server queue with multifractal traffic arrivals. Initially we address the theory concerning multifractal processes, especially the Holder exponents of the multifractal traffic traces. Next, we focus our attention on the second order statistics for multifractal traffic processes. More specifically, we assume that an exponential model is adequate for representing the variance of the traffic process under different time scale aggregation. Then, we compare the performance of the proposed approach with some other relevant approaches (e.g., monofractal based methods, MSQ (multi-scale queue) and CDTSQ (Critical dyadic time-scale queue)) using real traffic traces. In addition, based on the results of the analysis we proposed a new admission control strategy that takes into account the multifractal traffic characteristics. We compare the proposed admission control strategy with some other widely used admission control methods (e.g,.MVA ,Virtual Loss and Equivalent Capacity). The simulation results show that the proposed loss probability estimation method is simple and accurate, and the proposed admission control strategy is robust and efficient


probability telecomunicações - trafego fractals vias de comunicação probabilidade fractais telecommunication traffic mass communication

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