Estimation of genetic parameters among families of clones intra and interspecific elephantgrass hybrids in two forms of genetic evaluation. / Parâmetros genéticos entre híbridos de capim-elefante sob duas formas de avaliação.




The objective of this study was to compare two forms of assessment based on data per se and in the form of genetically stratified selection from genetic parameters in cross intra and inter-specific elephantgrass. The study was conducted in the Itambé Experimental Station, of the Pernambuco Agronomic Institute IPA. For definition of estimated genetic parameters between half-brothers, crossing intraspecific the elephantgrass, in the form of assessment per se and in the form of genetically stratified mass selection was used 10 families of clones F1. The interspecific hybrid crossing, were studied 10 families of clones of hybrids of elephantgrass with millet. The evaluate characteristics were: plant height (m), plant agronomic score (score), dry matter tenor (%) and dry matter production (g/sward). They were estimating broad sense heritability, variance, variation coefficient, genotypic, phenotypic and environmental correlation and gain genetic. To estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters of families of hybrids of elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) with millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.). The genetically stratified mass selection, seeking to control the heterogeneity of soil interspersed through the planting of a plant in genotype (Mineirão), forming strata and providing the selection according to figures from the group consisting of extract (clones and Mineirão). The evaluate characteristics were plant height, plant agronomicescore, dry matter content (TMS) and dry matter production (PMS). The heritability was estimated in the broad sense and averages compared by Scott Knott test of a 5% probability. In the study of intra-specific crossing, there was a significant difference (P <0.05) for the characteristics height and dry matter tenor in the Per se form and dry matter tenor in the genetically stratified form, indicating favorable conditions to theaccomplishment of the improvement. The CVg/CVe reason of the characteristics height, plant agronomic score, dry matter tenor and dry matter production in the Per se form of 1.61; 0.62; 1.65 and 0.74 and in the form genetically stratified of 0.44; 0.19; 0.79 and 0.78, respectively. The heritability had the same behavior in magnitude for Per se form, being 0.89; 0.54; 0.89 and 0.62 and in the genetically stratified form of 0.37; 0.10; 0.65 and 0.61, respectively. It was observed it lowers genetic variability for most of the characteristics studied in the stratified genetically form, determining little contribution for gain genetic. The study of the hybrids showed that there was significant effect (P<0.05) and high heritability for all traits in both forms of selection, ranging from 72 to 91%. The genetically stratified mass selection for the population of hybrids of elephantgrass with millet, was of little use for the character height, desirability andTMS. For the feature PMS, this type of evaluation has shown lower efficiency of removing the environmental effects to improve the experimental precision. The family millet x Pusa Naier 472-76 gathered the largest number of desirable characteristics for forage production.


variabilidade genética capim -elefante herdabilidade melhoramento genético vegetal zootecnia ganhos genéticos pennisetum purpureum eleção pennisetum glaucum

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