Estimates of genetic parameters and evaluate at the efficiency early selection in baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.). / Estimativas de parÃmetros genÃticos e avaliaÃÃo da eficiÃncia da seleÃÃo precoce em Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog).




The aim of this work was to study the genetic variability to estimate the genetic parameters and to evaluate the early selection efficiency. Sixty six half-sib Dipteryx alata families were obtained from three seed provenances at the Brazilian Savannah in Minas Gerais state. The experiment was set up in November 1996 at V&M Florestal enterprise in BrasilÃndia de Minas, Minas Gerais. The experimental design was a of randomized block with 3 replicates and 5 plants per plot, in a 3.0 x 4.0 m spacing. Data diameters at breast height (DBH) and the total height were taken at the ages of 64, 125 and 138 months. The REML/BLUP methodology was applied to estimate the genetic parameters of height and diameter from the D. alata different provenances and progenies. Variance analysis indicated significative genetic variability (P <0.01) between and within provenances, thus constituting an important source of promising genotypes for breeding programs. Both DBH and height characteristics presented high narrow sense herdability for ages analysed. A high genetic correlation occurred between DBH and height characteristics and among ages (age-age), thus allowing an indirect selection as well as an early selection with high genetics gains. The number of individuals selected through the DBH as based on genetic value was in the order of 10%. Such selection resulted in an increase of 20.78; 33.54 and 32.78% for DBH at 64, 125 and 138 months, respectively. The indirect genetics gains obtained through the early selection at 64 months has enabled correlated gains in the order of 23.5% for DBH, which showed an indirect selection efficiency of 71.72%.


1. melhoramento de plantas nativas. 2. parÃmetros genÃticos. 3. seleÃÃo precoce. 4. reml/blup. 5. procedÃncia/progÃnie. recursos florestais e engenharia florestal

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