Estimação de velocidade de composições usando processamento de vídeo / Speed estimation.of trains using vídeo processing


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aims to study a method of estimating the speed of railway vehicles using video processing. The proposed system uses cameras disposed alongside railways to monitor traffic as well as estimate train speeds. Such a system would allow the machinist to have a backup control system, regardless of the control systems already used by the operator of the rail system. In this dissertation, tracking algorithms with different methods are discussed. By comparing results obtained with the proposed algorithm and results from empirical data, it was possible to determine the one that best provided the desired results given the characteristics of the system. The algorithm which presented the best results was the one that employs a single block for all reference frames compared. The metric of similarity used for determining which blocks are most similar within the searched universe is the sum of absolute differences (SAD). The processing time required by each of the screening methods studied was also considered in assessing the results presented. A comparison between the rates collected and those informed by the control system showed that the results obtained with the current system, which only uses the signal track circuit, provides unreliable results with very significant errors. The results obtained with the proposed system had errors smaller than those obtained with the current system, suggesting the proposed system is viable and cost-effective compared to currently employed techniques.


velocidade do trem sad estimação de movimento detecção de movimento engenharias motion detection sad motion estimation vehicle speed measurement train velocity

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