Estimação de sinais multifrequencias por filtragem adaptativa




A daptive notch filtering has bccn introduccd as an efficient technique for the retrieval of sinusoids ín noíse. In this work we study a partícular notch filter that can solve the problems of detection and estimation of multifrequency signals used in telephone signalling codes, that are presented in chapter 1. In chapter 2, the prediciion error filtcrs are presented based on linear prediction and there are viewed the algoritms of adaptation of Gradient and Least Squares for adaptive filters. The adaptíve notch filters are presented in chapter :; and we propose a method of adaptation dealíng with complex coefficients instead of ones. The method provides a simple and fast estimation of frequency and powcr of the input sinusoids. We apply the method to MFC/DTMF digital tclephone signaling, obtaining useful results for real time practical applications with a DSP - microproccssor (TMS320JO)


processamento de sinal adaptativo telecomunicações

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