Estado nutricional de vitamina A em escolares do municÃpio de Camaragibe, Estado de Pernambuco - 2004




Vitamin A deficiency has been considered a nutritional problem of a moderate to severe level that affects specially children at preschool age. Furthermore, it has also been considered that this deficiency affect children at school age. The present study, using a transversal design, aimed to estimate the risk of prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in 685 students from 7 to 14 years old, regularly registered in either public or private schools from Camaragibe, Pernambuco, in 2004. The vitamin A status was evaluated based on serum concentrations of retinol; the energy-protein nutritional state was evaluated based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), and the nutrient intake was evaluated based on the 24-hour Record-keeper. Low and marginals levels of serum retinol (<30.0 μg/dL) were found in 67,5% of the school children. The serum concentrations of retinol did not show any correlation with either gender (p=0,781) or BMI (p=0,054). However, age appeared as a vitamin A nutritional state predictable variable (p<0,05). Approximately 13% of the school children showed malnutrition signs, and 7.4% and 3.8% were overweighed and obese, respectively. The nutrient intake analysis showed a small access to the main sources of vitamin A the day before the interview. The insufficiency of vitamin A in school children was shown to be an important nutritional deficiency. herefore, it is important to consider this biological group equally vulnerable to vitamin A deficiency


deficiÃncia de vitamina a school children nutricao escolares vitamin a deficiency

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