Estado nutricional de mulheres, mães de crianças menores de cinco anos - Jordão - Acre - Brasil / Nutritional state of women, mother of children under 5 years old - Jordão - Acre - Brazilian Amazon




Introduction - the nutritional state has important repercussions during the changes for which it passes the body of the woman in the process of being mother, since the conception, gestation, childbirth and puerperium, continuing this period after. However, the nutritional state of the women is very prioritized before, during and up to one year after the gestation, more in function of the influence that this can have on the birthweight and the conditions of breast-feeding of the child, more than for the potential benefits for the mother. Therefore, the scarcity of studies on the nutritional state of mothers is of the childbearing year. Objective - To describe and to analyze the nutritional state and the access the health services materna of the women five year mothers of lesser children, in the city of Jordão, Acre - Brazil in the year of 2005. Method - Cross-sectional study with population base of 267 women, mothers of children under five year old, participants of the research Nutritional Situation of the City of Jordão (SINJORDÃO). Information on demographic, socioeconomic, and anthropometrical characteristics have been collected, as well as related morbidity and conditions of health. The nutritional state was classified in accordance with the IMC adopting as cut point the suggested ones for the World-wide Organization of Health (1995): Low weight (IMC <18,5); normal range (18,5 IMC <25); Overweight (25 IMC <30) and Obesity (IMC 30). The determination of hemogloblin was made by digital punch with use of portable hemoglobinometer Hemocue, adopting itself Hb>12,0g/dL. Findings. The prevalence of underweight was 3,4 per cent, with no statistical association with any variables; overweight (OW) was present in 27,7 per cent, and obesity (OB) in 6 per cent. Adding these two last cathegories (OW+OB), weight excess was higher in indigenous (41,4 per cent p = 0,011), those receiving social benefits (50 per cent p = 0,005), married women (35,5 per cent p = 0,038), non-smokers (38,3 p = 0,056), those who delivered with a trained practitioner (39 per cent p = 0,05). The prevalence of anemia was 26,1 per cent, higher in those who had no antenatal care, (32,9 per cent p = 0,008), were re-hospitalized (57,1 per cent p = 0,007) and those who breastfed exclusively for less than 30 days (29,2 per cent p = 0,038). Conclusions: Regardless of their poor economic status, they already live the nutritional transition. Among women with children under 5 years old in Jordão Acre, low birth weight is within the expected rate, not as a public health problem. On the contrary, weight excess and anemia, although not as high as the rest of the country, is already a trend, following the changes in the cash transfer programs, indicating the need for specific programs of nutritional education. This study shows that women with children under 5 years old, have limited access to health services, much below those in the Northern region


amazon acre indigenous health acre nutrition amazônia saúde materna mother health saúde indígena nutrição

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