Estado e sociedade civil : o caso das parcerias na polÃtica de assistÃncia social




The dissertation discusses the political and ideological implications of the participation of the organizations of the civil society in the execution of the programs of social attendance of the district of Recife. It is a process situated in the general dynamics of the contemporary society, not constituting, therefore, in an isolated way, because it is articulated to the neoliberal strategies, suitable with the group of measures adopted to undertake the reform of the State, in face of the contemporary tendencies of restoration of the capitalism. In our understanding, the tendency of partnership concerns the an initiative of the dominant classes that, by investing in the construction of hegemony, recreate the function of the relationship between State and civil society. In the researched universe the data show that all the programs of social attendance possess some kind of partnership in its implementation. The most frequent partnerships are with associations, ONGs and religious groups, that offer some compensation related to human resources, financial, physical space and in others materials. We analyzed the repercussions of this process of not making the State responsible for the execution of the programs of the social attendance, materialized in the partnership State / civil society , discussing this relationship in the contemporary society and the role those social organizations that participate in the execution of the social programs that have been carried out in the politics of social attendance in the city of Recife. Considering the ideias that base the partnerships, and the political and ideological directions given by the groups involved with the State, we can infer that, at the present time, the politics of social attendance is placed as one of the spaces of construction of the hegemony of the dominant class


servico social social attendance assistÃncia social hegemonia estado hegemony state civil society sociedade civil

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