Estado e relações internacionais : uma comparação crítica entre Hans Morgenthau e Nicos Poulantzas / State and international relations : a critical comparison between Hans Morgenthau and Nicos Poulantzas




This work aims the analysis of the concept of State and the function of this institution in international relations. It seeks critically compare the concept of the state used by Hans Morgenthau, acclaimed author of the realist theory of international relations, with the marxist theory of the state systematized by Nicos Poulantzas in Power Politic and Social Classes (1968). The particularity of this work lies in identifying the concept of the state used by realism, since this theory printed the centrality of this category of the studies of international relations but did not concern to define it clearly. We will defend the Marxist concept of the State and other set of problems for the theory of international relations. To Morgenthau, the state is the representative of the ?national interest?, whose legitimacy is based on defense and security of the territory and the justice between the groups of interest. Concurrently, he says that only some individuals are able to represent the state in international scene. Marxism believes that the Morgenthau s speech is confined to the surface of phenomenon studied, that Morgenthau takes the State as it is being said, not really, of what the state actually is. For Poulantzas, the capitalist state is distinguished from other types of State because the political class domination does not appear visibly in their institutions. The legal-political structure formed by capitalist law and the bureaucracy give the idea of universal institutions and citizen s formal equality under these structures is constructed ideologically for the representation of the unity of people-nation. The global function of the state is to be the cohesive factor of a society divided by social classes; it organizes the power in bloc. The state is an arena of dispute between the fraction and the ruling classes. The foreign policy reflects the dominant class interests and is configured by the fractions conflicts and the alliance between the classes or fractions, which in turn present themselves as general interests of nation.


socialismo realismo estado relações internacionais marxism realism state international relations

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