Estabilização de oscilações de potencia de linhas de intercambio atraves de um elo de corrente continua / Stabilization of power lines interchange oscillations through a direct-current link




When an interconnected alternate-current power system suffers variations of loads, its frequency can exhibit an oscillatory behavior. If this system possesses a direct-current link in parallel with the inter-tie lines, this effect could be decreased, due to the link current controller action. This work presents a study that evaluates the efficiency of DC link for the damping of interarea frequency oscillations under small disturbances, operating the system with automatic generation control (AGC). A DC power injection model is implemented in the Power Sensitivity Model (PSM). One of the advantages of this model is to allow the detach of the network in two distinct parts: the active and reactive balances, where the two can be dealt together or separately. With the choice of this model, it s possible to implement the complete network in the block diagram format. Moreover, the network load bus are accessible through the block diagram, which this are possible to vary the load characteristic. Through this representation, the insertion of DC link in the block diagram became viable, therefore it was modeled as a power injection in the terminals bus in the active and reactive balances, closing a new power balance. The time domain analysis is carried out the software Matlab Simulink®. Also using this software, a POD controller (Power Oscillation Damping Controller) was designed for the DC power modulation. The results show that DC link comprises a great potential for the maintenance of frequency oscillations damping in interarea mode, when coupled to POD controllers


electric power system stability energia eletrica - transmissão - corrente continua direct current power transmission sistema de energia eletrica - controle sistemas de energia eletrica - estabilidade control of electric power systems

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