Estabilidade e caos ao redor de centros de atração deformados em gravitação




The behavior of test particles around a multipole deformed attraction center is studied. We find chaotic motions of particles in the field modeled by a monopolar plus a prolate quadrupole term for certain values of parameters. The general relativistic analogous is also studied by using the geodesic formalism in a geometry that represents a monopole (Schwarzchild and Kerr) plus a quadrupole term. We noticed chaotic geodesies for a small range of parameters in the prolate case. Finally, we examine the stability of test particles around a black-hole + dipolar halo system. The black hole was modeled via Paczyhsky-Witta pseudo potential and the orbits were obtained in the Newtonian and special relativistic dynamics. We compare them with orbits around the usual monopole+dipole potential (that solves the Laplace equation) and with the full general relativistic case. We have used for this aim the Poincare sections method and Lyapunov exponents


caos quantico teoria dos sistemas dinamicos relatividade geral (fisica) gravitação

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