Estabilidade de traços de personalidade e suas relações com mudanças na severidade da depressão




The present work investigated the stability of personality factors and their relationships with changes in the severity of depression symptoms. Personality was defined according to the five-factor model of personality. The participants were a sample of thirty in house patients, from a psychiatry hospital, located in Goiânia, diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. The patients who showed psychotic symptoms or some other comorbidity were excluded from the sample. The thirty patients answered two questionnaires twice: when they were symptomatic (panel 1, pretreatment) and when they were not symptomatic or in a partial recovering phase (panel 2, post-treatment). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was applied to assess the severity level of the patients depression and the Reduced Five Factors of Personality Inventory (ICFP-R) was used for the assessment of the personality traits. The time period between test and retest had a mean of seven weeks. The criteria used to decide the time for the posttest was the observed change in the severity of depressive symptoms as assessed by the psychiatrist of the hospital and confirmed by the BDI scores. The first hypothesis suggested relative stability and lack of absolute stability (that is, absolute change) for the personality traits of extroversion and emotional stability. Relative stability is observed when the position of the individual, compared to the results of the other members of the sample, remain the same in the pre- and postest while the absolute stability is observed when there were no differences in the pre- and postest means. It was also expected that the means of the other three personality traits, the ones with low correlations to the depressive symptons, did not decrease between pre- and postest (absolute stability) and that the position of each individual, compared with the others in the same sample, would stay the same (also showing relative stability). This way, the first hypothesis suggested relative stability and absolute change for extroversion and emotional stability factors and relative and absolute stability for the others factors in the pentafactorial model. The second hypothesis, stated that the relative stability of the personality factors would not be related to the severity of the depressive symptoms, but to the traits levels observed before the treatment. The results showed that the relative stability and the absolute change in personality could be observed in the context of change in the severity of the depression. Even when absolute changes happened in the personality, a high degree of stability could be observed. It was also observed that the relative stability and the absolute change in the personality could not be directly explained by individual differences and absolute changes in the severity of the depression. New psychotherapeutically based procedures and limitations taking these findings into account are discussed.


psicologia depressive symptoms, big five personality traits, psychological change traços de personalidade sintomas depressivos mudança psicológica

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