ESPERANÇA ESCATOLÓGICA EM PAULO: Uma análise histórico-crítica e teológica de Rm 8, 18-25


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work searches to approach the eschatological hope of the of Rm 8, 18-25 in a historical-critical and theological perspective. The opportune reading of the historical-political-cultural backdrop makes possible larger explanation of the theology of the foregoing fragment mentioned especially because it is one writing with eschatological tonic. All exegetical-critical orientation of this dissertation intends to extract the original intention of the author of the sacred text. In this sense this dissertative work is divided in two blocks: the first explores the historicalpolitical- atmosphere, the theological-hermeneutical matrix that might have influenced the author of this Epistle and the syntactical-semantical analyses of eschatological hope of the text of Rm 8, 18-25; the second tries to analyze and to explore the theology of undertaken in the first block. In the meaning of the eschatological hope for the resident primitive communitys faith in the capital of the Roman Empire to whom Paul writes this Epistle.


teologia ciências sociais epístola de são paulo escatologia esperança ressurreição sofrimento teologia

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