Espalhamento inelástico profundo em colisões elétron-íon / Deep inelastic scattering in electron-ion collisions




In this work we considered two subjects of QCD at high energies. The nuclear gluon distributions and the parton saturation. The currently available parametrizations of nuclear gluon distribution in the literature are very different among themselves. We show that it is possible to relate the gluon distribution in a nucleus at high energies to nuclear inclusive observables. This will allow us to distinguish between the different parametrizations when new experimental data become available. The second subject considered, parton saturation, is currently very important, and the existence or not of this phenomenon will be confirmed at the LHC and at the future eRHIC. In the case of saturation we show that inclusive observables are not very useful to indicate if parton saturation occurs at high energies. Our conclusion was that to detect saturation effects, instead of these observables we must focus on the diffractive observables, which are much more sensitive to big dipoles and will correspond to a significant fraction of the observed events.


dis distribuição nuclear de glúons nuclear partons saturation saturação de partons dis nuclear gluons distribution

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