Escritura e oralidade em Mar Paraguayo, de Wilson Bueno




Latin American has, for an historical definition, initially, the mestization, as a resultd of the Iberic domination ( Portuguese and Spanish), and later the gradual supplant of this domination in the multiform trunk of the amerindian cultures, with later aggregation of the African element. Due to the diversity of these elements, an essential Latin American problem has been and follows being how to find its identity, situation that reflects in literature when searching the appropriation of a language and the concretion of a content in a language in certain way loaned and inserted in a heterogeneous politican context. The territory out and re introducing it in a constant going and coming way, incorporating the forgotten languages, with its mythical resonances and resistance to the hegemonic incorporation, marking its between-place in Latin American speech. The orality and the overlapping of genders ended to be answer instances, answer rebelation, broken instances into this hegemonic place. The going and coming practice entertains imaginary and real sensations motivated by the experience of the meeting. In this transit, the slip is affirmed, the mixture, the indistinction and the error of the astrays languages, that already do not respect the established languages. The language is, then, used as raw material on which it is printed the word from an individual, personal perspective, and, at the same time, without completely erasing the echoes of a collective memory. There is, therefore, a situation of coexistence in the linguistic border zone of the Spaniard and the Portuguese, both representatives of the language of the conqueror, with guarani, the language of the oppressed one, the conquered one that converts it speech into element of a cultural affirmation claim. The contact of these three "contaminated languages. That are gathered in the writing of Mar Paraguayo, Wilson Buenos work, promote a dialetic movement which considers itself a rescuer of the alive word, the verbal word, of the hardness of the writing. Thus, the oral, within dislocating itself in direction to the writing, turns itself into literary-poetical language. When using guarani, together to the Portuguese and the Spaniard in Mar Paraguayo, Bueno obtains an aesthetic/literary that retakes the reflection around the question of a verbal culture. From this problem, the verbal language is not lost when literalized and more: a sample that against to the modern identities, that were, most of the time, territorial and monolinguistic, the societies and the identities of Latin America are transitorial and multilinguistic.


letras paraguayan sea mar paraguayo wilson bueno territorialization literatura brasileira desterritorialização language identity territorialização

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