Escravidão, ontem e hoje: aspectos jurídicos e econômicos




The aim of this study is to identify the legal and economic aspects presents at the many stages of human slavery, among them: the old slavery, the historic slavery and at the contemporary slavery. It is a historiography analysis with emphasis at the legal and economic aspects about the slaverys phenomenal and its differences and similarities. As far as methodology is concerned, it was done an extensive book reading and a wide document search at the International Labor Organization (ILO) in order to gather data about the subject. As older as humanity, the slavery did not have the same mean or purposes on its many phases, but it always had the same economic motivations, with or without laws. This subject was not exhausted at this study: Retracting about the old slavery, it refers only about Greeks and Romans; at the historic slavery stage it refers about the period between the half of century XV until the half of century XIX, with Brazil in focus. At the contemporary slavery, this study refers to the aspects of the people international trafficking - emphasizing the forced labor, legal and economic aspects, all over the world. It will be presented the main combating and preventing international tools towards slavery, the human traffic and other slavery practices, on a special way the Conventions of OIT.


trabalho forçado tráfico internacional de pessoas slavery labor trabalho escravo direito do trabalho human international trafficking slavery ciências humanas forced labor escravidão escravos - tráfico

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