Escola, família e movimento social: um estudo sobre a relação família-escola em um assentamento do MST em Minas Gerais




This research intends to understand and describe the relationship between families and school from an improvised lodging of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Protest Organization of the Rural Workers without land) of Minas Gerais. The work was divided into 3 segments, which were: the nature of the intrapersonal relationships between the teachers, the school principals, the families and the students; the expectations towards the school; and the childrens learning process. The case study was the chosen source of reference through the investigation process. This investigation process consisted of semi-structured interviews, both systemic and non-systemic observation and analysis of the documents created by the organization itself, as well as newspapers, instructional folders, posters and regional newspapers. The research brought to light different cycles and formations of the family- school relationship, depending on the individuals involved. It also implied that the school plays a part in the lodge that is more related to the identity of the individuals than to its pedagogical approach. The relationship between family and school is influenced by the organization in which it takes place. The interpersonal relationships, the expectations and the participation in school on a daily basis take place and are organized based on the protest organizations identity.


família e escola teses educação teses movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra

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