Escola Agnes June Leith formaÃÃo e prÃticas curriculares de visitadoras de alimentaÃÃo (1944â1966) / Agnes June Leith School training and curriculum practices of feeding visits (1944-1966)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A research on the constituent elements of food and nutrition expertise with its focus on both the formative space and the intervening curricular practices of the âVisitadoras de AlimentaÃÃoâ (Dietary Education Visitors) in the political and institutional scenario of âSAPSâ (Social Security Food Service) which operated in the State of Cearà from 1944 to 1966. For the analysis of the training of those professionals. âAgnes June Leithâ Dietary Education Visitors School â soâcalled âEVAâ â was selected; it operated in the State of Cearà from 1944 to 1966 focusing on daily experiences and curricular practices of the course, concentrating its investigation on the actions of dietary education amongst workingâclass members, students and the population as a whole. The study was aimed at rebuilding the educational space and investigate the curriculum practices of interventional feeding visits in the political and institutional SAPSâEC in this period. The methodological approach adopted was based on Pierre BourdieuÂs Social Action Theory with its emphasis both on the notions of field and habitus, as well as on the bases of Oral History and the Theory of Curricular Criticism, a landmark which was completed by the concepts of food, meal and eating practices originated from Anthropology. The sources used were the following oral reports obtained by way of interviews with people who had been part of the referred to school, such as principals, teachers, students and employees as well as âSAPSâ employees â the institution to which âEVAâ BELONGED; most popular newspapers at that time, exercise books of the course on Dietary Education Visitors, annals of Conferences on Dietary Education, books, magazines, officials documents and photographs. One can arrive at the conclusion that that School played a politicalâcultural role in the field of Food and Nutrition Education in the State of Cearà and in Brazil, contributing to the enhancement of human resources engaged in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and that the Dietary Education Visitors played a part as food educators and messengers of the principles of rational eating habits, contributing to the searching process for the social representation of such expertise.


educaÃÃo alimentar histÃria e prÃticas curriculares food education history and curricular practices escola de visitadoras de alimentaÃÃo agnes june leith visitas domiciliares(educaÃÃo) â cearà â 1944â1966 hÃbitos alimentares â cearà â 1944â1966 educadoras â cearà â 1944â1966 polÃtica alimentar â brasil â 1944â1966 educacao

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