Equações diofantinas lineares: um desafio motivador para alunos do ensino médio




This work presents a qualitative study guided by the question Is it possible High School students to make explicit knowledge on linear diofantine equations? , whose relevance is justified from researches as met in Lopes Junior (2005), revealing that High School students do not distinguish and they do not understand when the variable assumes discrete or continuous value, as well as for the fact that Discrete Mathematics are a relatively forgotten area on Pre-Universitary School, according to Brolezzi (1996) and Jurkiewicz (2004). This study particularizes Elementar Number Theory on High School, where researchers as Campbell and Zazkis (2002), Ferrari (2002) and Resende (2007) emphasizes that problem resolution activities, in an approach of concepts re-use as divisors and multiples, are propitious for heuristical development, in a complementary and interrelated approach to Algebra, in compliance with Maranhão, Machado e Coelho (2005). As methodological reference it was used Didactical Engineering, described in Artigue (1996), to elaborate, to apply and to analyze a didactical sequence. The written and oral manifestations indicated that High School students had developed strategies, operacionalizing the concepts of multiples and divisors, as well as had used the algebraic equation to search the whole solutions on the proposed problem situations, thus making explicit knowledge involving linear diofantine equations


teoria elementar dos números matematica algebric education equações diofantinas lineares didactical engineering engenharia didática elementar number theory matematica (ensino medio) matemática discreta educação algébrica discrete matemhatics linear diofantine equation

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