Epidemiological and clinicopathological assessment of potentially malignant lesions and oral cancer diagnosed in the family health strategy and specialty dental centers in two regions in the state of Cearà / AvaliaÃÃo epidemiolÃgica e clÃnico-patolÃgica de lesÃes potencialmente malignas e cÃncer de boca diagnosticadas na estratÃgia saÃde da famÃlia e centros de especialidades odontolÃgicas em duas regiÃes do interior do Estado do CearÃ


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




BACKGROUND: Oral malignant and potentially malignant lesions (LPM) are commom in oral cavity and diagnosis network health structure is required to improve early diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: This research had evaluated primary and secondary health care integration in oral cancer diagnosis evaluating contact with risk factors and presence of LPM and Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in two different Cearà geographic regions. STUDY DESIGN: People served at two regions basic health unit (UBS) were examined. The coastal region was defined as Group 1, and the interior region as Group 2. Data collected: gender, age, tobacco and/or alcohol use, radiation and present lesions. When lesions were present patients were forwarded to dental centers (CEO) where diagnosis was made. RESULTS: 3.809 were examined, 285 lesions found, 43% in males and 57% in females. Risk factors analysis show: 31% smokers, 24% alcoholics, 53% exposed solar radiation, and 1% with sexually disease. Biopsies were performed in 76 lesions, with 7 OSCC (9,2%), 06 in Group 2 and 15 PMD (19,7%), 10 in Group 1. Most of OSCC (71,4%) occurred in females and 60% LPM in males. Lower lip was the most frequently localization with 57% of OSCC and 87% of LPM. Majority OSCC individuals (71,4%) and LPM individuals (86,6%) had solar exposition. CONCLUSION: Our data illustrate greater number of OSCC in Group 2, and LPM in Group 1, and warn that oral cancer diagnosis network structure need improve, and continuous prevention policy policy is necessary to access high risk population for OSCC


cancerologia epidemiologia medicina bucal carcinoma de cÃlulas escamosas

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