Epidemiologia da malária: incidência, distribuição espacial e fatores de risco em uma coorte rural amazônica. / Epidemiology of malaria: incidence, spatial distribution and risk factors in a rural Amazon cohort.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




A study was developed in a cohort located in an agricultural settlement in Acre, Brazil, aiming to identify risk factors of malaria. Over 70 months followed up 531 individuals who contributed 2281.53 people-years. It was recorded 443 cases of malaria by Plasmodium vivax, 129 by P. falciparum and 27 mixed malaria (P. vivax and P. falciparum). The spatial analysis canning identified clusters of malaria at the end of the study area, near the forest border. In this analysis, 69.1% of all malaria cases occurred in only 27 households (22.3% of total), which were within a radius of 2.2 km from the clusters center. Four cross-sectional studies were conducted along the follow-up and asymptomatic infections were detected by nested PCR. Frailty models identified the housing location as the main covariate related risk of acquiring malaria in both unadjusted and adjusted models. This type of analysis may optimize actions against malaria, and reduce operational costs.


amazonas amazonas assentamento rural (amazonas) distribuição espacial (amazonas) fatores de risco malária (epidemiologia) malaria (epidemiology) risk factors rural settlement (amazonas) sobrevida spatial distribution (amazonas) survival

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