Environmental zoning of the Town of Santos as subsidy to the physical-territorial planing / Zoneamento ambiental do Municipio de Santos como subsidio ao planejamento fisico-territorial




The coastal regions in the national setting, characterizes-itself by the dynamic one of the natural trials associated the resignation of the prominence that can come to the represent zones of risk to the occurrence of events such as movement of batter or floods. The intense trial of human occupation watched in those areas is going to make vulnerable in a lot the organization completely the natural system that governs those spaces resulting in catastrophic charts. The town of Santos structure itself about a complex prominence, now associated the zones of mountain range that present declivities until 45°, now to the flooding areas plains zones and deposition of sediments. Of that form, the town characterizes-itself by present features geomorphologic distinct and erosive trials diversified, beyond present an intense development with big actions anthropic about the natural environment. Because of the big environmental fragility in that is consolidated the setting of the town of Santos, this work, utilizing the methodology proposal by Ross (1990), search elaborate na environmental zoning, starting from the identification and mapping of the features geomorphologies, of the trials and morphology observed in the study s area. That work s final product, the Potential Fragility Units Letter of the town of Santos, will be able to help in the argument of territorial planning of the use of soil that light in consideration the resignation and dynamics of the landscape as prerogative in the use norms establishment and occupation. Beyond that, will be able to serve for help in the seen, environmental planning that this area presents an extremely fragile natural environment with long date of action anthropic


zoning land use geomorphological mapping solo - uso zoneamento - santos (sp) mapeamento geomorfologico - santos (sp) environmental policy politica ambiental

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