Environmental perception: analysis of hydrographic basin of Monjolinho river, São Carlos, SP / Percepção ambiental: uma análise na bacia hidrográfica do rio Monjolinho, São Carlos, SP




In the last decades, many researches have been made about Monjolinho’s basin, in which it became evident man’s bad influence on its water, soil, flora and wildlife as a whole. This study aims to analyze the environment perception of the rural an urban population living around Monjolinho river, by making a series of questions in order to identify the main environmental problems there verified, its causes, effects and possible solutions. The collected data point to a naturalistic conception of environment (36,8%). Even among those people who do not participate of environmental campaigns (71,9%), there is a great concern with the problematic of this matter, which is considered very important for the majority of the residents (89,5%). The government (76,9%) is the great responsible for the problems, followed by population (53,8%), which is always looking for new information (87,7%) about the environment. In this research, was identifying that universities are more interested in produce just scientific knowledge, keeping an isolated circle around they. Also, the researchers suggested that a better relation between community, students, and teachers should be used to increase the affection from the river. The results of the analyses will be used as basic parameters in the future, directing social, economics, politics and environmental actions by means of educational programs. These actions may aware people to the importance of keeping harmonic relationship between man and all remaining environmental elements.


percepção ambiental environment education environment perception rio monjolinho educação ambiental monjolinho river

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