Enviado especial a : uma analise antropologica da cobertura da imprensa brasileira das guerras na ex-Iugoslavia (anos 90)




The disruption of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the four following wars in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo, were on the news worldwide including Brazil. In this dissertation, the written press coverage of these wars in Brazil is analyzed, particularly the coverage by the Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo newspapers, based on some initial hypotheses: (a) there is a significant change on the approaches of these conflicts from cold war period to the next period, post-cold war, which abandons progressively a strategic vocabulary, for an increasing culturalistic one; (b) the press starts to emphasize supposed ontological differences among the populations in the conflicts, ratifies an existence of an We versus Them, and indicates an increasing naturalization and apoliticization of the conflicts; (c) the press updates a discursive tradition of representation of the BaIkans. For that, I tried to understand the way the written press works, how the news are produced and how the journalists operate, particularly, the Brazilian correspondents that visited the former Yugoslavia to cover the war. Throughout the research, I noticed the existence of a recurring rhetoric in the press about this wars. An ethnography of the written press - a systematic reading of the main local newspapers, an understanding of the international journalism dynamics, and the interviewing of Brazilian correspondents sent to these different wars - not only ended up confirming part of the hypothesis presented before, but also demonstrating similarities and differences between the journalism and the anthropology itself: some of them related to the use of certain concepts, and others, moreover, related to the way the press reproduces certain categories of alterity.


kosovo (serbia) 1991-1995 yugoslavia history iugoslavia guerra da war brazilian periodicals imprensa war of jornais brasileiros the press

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