Envelhecimento, deficiencia fisica




The human life time has been increasing considerably during the last decades. People are living longer, even the ones who suffered from a spinal cord injury increased their life expectations, which in relation to the present were formerly extremely reduced. However, there is still na incomplete and speculative comprehension about the aging process of those who suffered from incapabilities due to spinal cord injuries. We believe that in order to understand better the aging process of a person being physically impaired or not, it is necessary to consider aging as na interactive totality including biologocal, psychic, cultural and existential dimensions, which modify the relation of the individual with time and therefore his relation to the world and his own history. Aging is a progressive and inevitable process, which brings up a chain of depreciative and declining adjectives. Aging expresses the rupture of the conceptions about social values, as for example beauty, youth, strength and conquests. We also studied in this research the matter about the stigma. Elderly as well as physically impaired people are stigmatized because according to our social concept they bring out several negative attributes, such as : decadence, weakness, dependency, impairment, impossibility, and so on. The persons who took part in this research are already showing a stigmatizing status due to being physically impaired, and this status probably will be increased in its stigmatizing sense by the appearence of their aged bodies. Due to chronicles of eight physically impaired people through spinal cord injury we intended to understand the meaning and values attributed by these persons to the subjects about impairment, aging and aging process.


deficiência física velhice outros

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