ENTRE SONHOS E LUTAS: as vivências quilombolas em Barro Preto




The formation to quilombos was one of the means of resistance to slave system established in Colony Portuguese American citizen ship. It represented the contradictory in that society, which caused conflict. It concerned about communities of captives escaped, that there were in almost all colonnede areas and varied in size and form of organization. From the legal point of view, the slave labor came to the end in 1988, but full of contradictions. The Act Free Aurea not guaranted to better living conditions, since the discriminatory speech against blacks remains, added to exclusion in the labor market and land when they lived. The quilombos, in turn, after slavery, fell into oblinon by the public administration, its existence was denied. Only at the end of 1970, when the reorganization civil society, with the collapse of the dictatorial period, that quilombos return to the political scene. Its called the need for recognition of this group by the state and legalization of land where they live. In 1988, it is an important achievement by the Federal Constitution on the final possession of the land owned by the quilombos that are occupying. The Statute of Racial Equality (2000) among their advances for the black population, reinforces the right of land ownership to quilombos. Following a major way, the 4887 Decree was approved in 2003, in order to regulate what was defined in the Magna Charta. The two main pillars of support of this Decree are identity and territory. The racial identity, in this study, will be considered from the perspective of a group that belongs to a certain social class, but also within cultural difference. On the territory is highly important to bring this category to the debate on quilombos, since this is the ground where the story is built, the identity of these populations. Finally, it is necessary to consider the date obtained from the empirical research interviews and observation conducted in the community of Barro preto city of Santa Maria de Itabira / MG, establishing relationship with the theorical assumptions made by studying literature performed


public policy quilombos experience remnants of quilombos política pública servico social vivências quilombolas remanescentes de quilombo

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