Being the cancer a disease that increasingly invades our time and spaces and understanding it as a complex disease process, filled with many advances, not many answers, but many meanings, it is proposed by this research. We take this way, as an object, the senses of/on the female body crossed by breast cancer. The study started from the experiment using the language of dance and its different communication interventions, with a group of women, all suffering from breast cancer, participants of Present Life Project, an extension project of the State University of Montes Claros. Having participated as a team member of this group, and for one year remained in the position of dance teacher, it was a possible first contact, a first way to apprehension, understanding, questioning. This communication, this relationship has created a communication between teacher and students, who later became a researcher and researched subjects. And then, constituting a research problem in the perspective of seeking senses and meanings by the speeches of those women who lived the experience of being affected by breast cancer. In this sense, this thesis was structured in the form of three chapters: the first, "A look at breast cancer: physical activity and its significance for women participating in a support group," focuses on the significance of this bodily practice for women affected by this disease, and are inserted in a support group, since the physical education as health area has expanded its scope of action, and increasingly these professionals are inserted into new perspectives for action. The second chapter, "Body and female breast cancer" refers to comprehension about the female body and how it is affected by boundaries, limitations and sociocultural constructions and how these interventions relate to the identity of what is to be a woman in space social. The research is constructed through the analysis of discourse of women with breast cancer, in seeking for understanding of feeling, the other senses, or not, established from the subject s experience with the disease, the body with cancer. And finally, "Myth and Body: Reflections on breast cancer", is a reflection on the body and the myth, identifying some of the myths related to cancer, and recognizes how it occurs in the context of the female body affected by breast cancer. In all the articles we used qualitative procedures, and as methodological support we used Discourse Analysis (DA) in the French side, represented in Brazil by Eni Orlandi. The sample group consisted of 06 women of that project, individuals aged 44 to 66 years, all affected by breast cancer, in the process of monitoring and undergone surgical intervention, or mastectomy. The instrument used was the semistructured interview containing nine open questions, but were previously made inquiries about personal data for better recognition on the population investigated. This was an important survey, since we treat a disease process that involves many aspects, impacts, stigmas, "silences", but also many particularities, findings, sensitivities. Propagating the discourses of women who had their bodies pierced with a cancer may be one way to minimize some of so many impossibilities, and among them, an opportunity that ensure at least the social responsibility of any search


educacao fisica atividade física mulher corpo body câncer de mama woman breast cancer physical activity

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